Who We Are

Want to help run this group by organizing restoration workdays, nature hikes, and camping trips in the Chicagoland region? Contact habitat2030@gmail.com

Habitat 2030 Logo

Restoring nature. Building community.

Habitat 2030 is a group of volunteers who care about the remarkable natural areas of the Chicago region. We host habitat restoration workdays, nature hikes and weekend camping trips, social gatherings, and educational opportunities. At workdays, we remove invasive plants, gather and spread seeds, and learn about nature as we go. We link interested newbies to expert mentors and are building a community where people of all skill levels can discuss local ecology, conservation, and habitat restoration issues. Everyone is welcome!

Sign up for our email list and join our active online community on Facebook!

Who’s supposed to show up?

We welcome all ages! Most of our volunteers are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s (we kept getting older, so we pushed the age up), but we’ll put you to work no matter what age you are. Kids of volunteers are welcome, too, though parents will be expected to closely supervise their offspring.